

Manchester Digital's Ecommerce Conference 2024 is set to explore some of the innovative technologies and emerging trends that are reshaping the way retail businesses operate and consumers engage with the online shopping experience.

来阐明这些最新的发展, we asked a selection of ecommerce experts from across our community to offer their insights into the technologies and trends that are positively impacted the ecommerce sector in 2024.


AI-Powered Customer Service – Its impossible to ignore the effect which AI will have on the future of customer service. 在2023年,从大型语言模型(Chat-GPT等)的转变..) being research curiosities to mainstream tech took many by surprise and the amounts being spent on LLM research shows no sign of slowing down. 然而, 这并非没有风险, with recent setbacks for well-known brands like DPD and Air Canada highlight how quickly things can go wrong. Whilst AI offers great potential its not ready to stand alone just yet (and may never be), 相反,品牌应该专注于利用人工智能来提升它们最宝贵的资源, 他们的人民……

B2B 电子商务 – As consumer expectations continue to grow and inflation pushes up the cost of products 零售商 will continue to find themselves squeezed from all sides. In a climate like this attention will increasingly turn to the efficiency of procurement and supply chains. Retailers will look to B2B e-commerce to optimise their procurement costs with workflow and automation technology being used to reduce the human effort involved in managing supplier contracts, 库存管理, 补充库存. 

Consumers themselves – We live in a world which is becoming more and more accepting of “digital” as the medium of interaction. Wearable tech is starting to gain a real foothold (predicted to grow at nearly 15% year on year through 2030), subscription-based services like Netflix and Spotify are becoming the norm and commerce continues to shift online (nearly 30% of UK retail spend was online in 2023). In this climate consumers simply won’t tolerant brands which can’t offer the true omni-channel “digital” experiences they are accustomed to. And with younger generations who “Don’t know any different” growing up quickly brands have to evolve to stay competitive.

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人工智能辅助的个性化将改变游戏规则 电子商务. Users are increasingly expecting tailored experiences; mass marketing is giving way to the rise of micro experiences. 在那个世界里, embracing AI becomes essential for the smaller disruptors with small marketing teams and the industry giants who seek to stay ahead of the curve.

谷歌不断发展的产品组合是我们在2024年感到兴奋的另一个机会. 过去一年里, our PPC team has adapted by testing new campaign types to refine our own "best practice" approach in an increasingly automated bidding environment. We've learned how to balance control with scalability to step into the new year with a renewed focus on combining account structure with first-party audience data. We're also working on improved server-integrated solutions to underpin our 2024 with enhanced business data.

The increasing prevalence of social purchasing means those tailored experiences start offsite. From a tracking perspective, it becomes tough to measure ROI at scale without the help of AI. We're helping spearhead those integrations to bring brands into a future w在这里 attribution is more channel-agnostic than ever before.

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人工智能尤为突出, serving various purposes from assisting in crafting product descriptions to enhancing customer search experiences by generating synonym lists automatically. From people using it to write their product descriptions to using it for helping customers find the right products through search and creating synonym lists automatically (e.(当有人搜索裤子时,它知道他们指的是裤子). 你可以写一篇全球最大的博彩平台AI的文章.

此外, the advent of startup tech enterprises introduces a dynamic shift in market dynamics through their agile methodologies, 准备颠覆传统的方法,为商家提供技术解决方案. 这些小实体体现了创新和适应性, 以创新产品重塑行业格局.

像Shopify这样的科技巨头 是否让品牌的国际扩张变得越来越容易, 不仅扰乱了英国的市场,也扰乱了全世界的市场. This accessibility not only fosters opportunities for UK-based brands but also opens avenues for foreign entities to enter the UK market, 打造互联互通的全球商业生态系统.

另外, 市场领域出现了像天猫这样的平台, 阿里巴巴全球速卖通, 和Shein, 以有竞争力的价格和快速的送货方式使市场饱和. 大量的选择为消费者提供了一系列的选择, 重塑消费者行为,挑战传统零售模式.

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用户体验从未如此重要 电子商务 零售商. 随着实体店的减少,人们可以实体地浏览, 消费者希望并需要能够快速评估产品范围, 质量和价格在他们按下后退按钮之前.

消费者的退货让零售商损失惨重. 而回报是任何零售业务不可避免的一部分, it’s important to clearly state your returns policy so as to avoid unpleasant surprises for customers.  为了避免退货,请确保产品图像100%准确. 显示尺寸指南, 产品使用的视频, 如何设置/使用它, 它的用途是什么,它与什么兼容等等.

交付速度正变得越来越重要. 人们想要亚马逊的体验,并在当天或第二天收到快递. 公司必须满足这些期望,否则就有可能将业务输给竞争对手. 更快的交付需要更高效的流程和更完善的物流. 公司必须投资于技术和自动化,以便能够更快地交付产品.

Never the less, everyone is of course talking about AI and it will have a huge impact on the 电子商务 部门也是如此. 虚拟试衣间, personalised shopping experiences - online shopping will eventually become a very immersive and instantaneous experience.

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